Tim Gibbs, MPH, NPMc, is the Director and Principal Investigator for DHF. Before this appointment, he was the Academy/DPHA executive director for 16 years.
Dayzha Washam, BA – Student Financial Aid Coordinator
Matt McNeill, NS – Research Associate
Nicole Sabine, BS – Research Associate
Tim Ay – Salesforce Guru, President & CTO, Agile Cloud Consulting
Ryan Harrington, MS – Research Development & Analytics, Data Lab, Tech Impact
Kimin Kim, BS – Front-end Developer, Data Lab, Tech Impact
Dharneeshkar Jayaprakash, MS – Data Engineer Data Lab, Tech Impact
Ann Painter, MSN, RN is the board of directors liaison for the Academy/DPHA,
Kate Smith, MD, MPH operates in an advisory capacity as executive director of the Academy/DPHA.
The independent advisory council for DHF is also the workforce subcommittee of the Delaware Health Care Commission and is comprised of:
Kathy Matt, PhD, Co-chair – Chair, Delaware Institute for Medical Education and Research and Commissioner, Delaware Health Care Commission
Nichole Moxley, BS, Co-Chair – Chief, Office of Healthcare Provider Resources and Director, State Office of Rural Health
Brian Frazee, MPP – executive director, Delaware Healthcare Association
Cheryl Heiks, BA, BS – executive director, Delaware Healthcare Facilities Association
Melissa Jones, The Dental Group, Lewes
Maggie Norris-Bent, MPA, Westside Family Healthcare
Elisabeth Massa, MA, executive director, Delaware Health Care Commission
Nicholas Conte, Jr., DMD, MBA, Dental Director, State of Delaware
Christopher Otto, MSN, RN, CCRN, executive director, Delaware Nurses Association
Mike Quaranta, MPP, Delaware State Chamber of Commerce and the Delaware Workforce Development Board
Gwendolyn Scott-Jones, Psy-D, Delaware State University
Shauna Slaughter, Director of the Division of Professional Regulation
Mark Thompson, MHSA, executive director, Medical Society of Delaware
Avani Virani, MD, senior medical director, Highmark Delaware